Your website is a two-dimensional experience of words and pictures. Design alone can’t add the third human dimension made possible when you add video.
Video opens a window into your business that connects you face-to-face with visitors. But, be warned: bad video is worse than none at all. Concentrate on these three basics to create a video that makes a positive contribution to your site:
Content: Before you pick up a camera, pick up a pen. Write out what you want to accomplish. An effective video tells a story. Stories have a beginning, a middle, and a payoff. Create an outline, NOT a script. Have one point, make it clearly, do it concisely. Keep it under 90-seconds. That’s about 120-150 words.
Composition: Put the camera at the subject’s eye-level. Since web video is viewed on a small screen, move in close. Wide shots make people look tiny. Choose a background free of distractions, but one that adds your message. Don’t use a flat surface. Putting someone against a wall and shooting them is like painting with one color. If you must use a wall, use it at an angle. Avoid centering your subject; slightly off center looks better. Keep it steady: use a tripod or other support.
Consumability: An effective video needs good picture and good sound. A basic hand-held video camera can get the job done. I prefer the Kodak Zi8. It records HD to a chip and has a mic input. That’s important because built-in camera microphones pick up the whole room, not one person speaking. I spent $20 for a basic Audio-Technica clip-on mic
to get better sound.
You’re ready for prime time
Uploading your finished piece to a video service like YouTube, Vimeo, or many others is easy. Check their sites for instructions. Once it’s uploaded, insert the embed code into your homepage and you’re done. By the way, don’t set homepage videos on auto-play. Assuming visitors want to see your video is rude.
Give your site a human face
People like doing business with people they know. Video lets them get to know you. Videos lead to greater visitor engagement. Do it yourself, or hire a company to create your website video. The difference it makes will amaze you.
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