Be real
Be who your are without apology
I just love this van. It’s fun, it’s honest, it’s unpredictable. It covers nearly half of the Ten BE’s of Better Branding. But, it really nails Be #1: Be who you are without apology. They could have wimped out and called it “Quality Flyers,” or “First Rate Flyers.” Sure. Then they would have sounded like everyone else and melted into city’s the wallpaper of delivery vans. Instead, they claimed the truth of what customers want: cheap azz flyers.
I don’t know anything more about Cheap Azz Flyers than what you see here. I’ve never used them and can’t endorse them. I do know the colors, the lettering, the attitude all got my attention because they’re a great example of the Ten Be’s in action. (Minor points off for parking in a handicapped spot, though.)
How about you? Do you have the nerve to claim what it is your customers really want?
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