A devastating fire, with the power to knock most off their feet, will only graze Houston’s Gallery Furniture. Mattress Mac’s indomitable spirit is matched only by his marketing acumen. Jim McIngvale is conducting a morning-after clinic on how to leverage good from bad:
1. Display authentic humility.
With millions blazing behind him, he spoke on live TV about his people, his faith, and the goodness of the city. In a moment when anyone might be forgiven for doing so, he didn’t make it about himself.
2. Move the story along.
Instead of wallowing and picking through the ruins, Mac is turning the page and giving his new second location press money can’t buy. He’s not only leading the story, he’s pointing where it will go.
3. Keep your brand on point.
Jim Macinvale sells furniture. He also doesn’t miss a beat: “we may not be able to give same day delivery for a little while…” He’s a master of brand focus.
4. Allow others to lift you up.
It’s deep in our American psyche to render aid to those suffering misfortune. Allowing that to happen creates a bond. The Gallery Furniture website is updated, saying thanks to the city and loyal customers. There’s a blog where the outpouring of support borders on maudlin. But, it’s all real.
Therein lies the nougat center of Mac’s persona: he is what he is and he makes no bones about it. Last night his surrender to grace carved a deeper level of character than years of charity support could provide.
In a moment of crushing darkness, JIm McIngvale’s sense of self projected a brighter light than the blaze behind him and used it to spell out: saves you money!