Be aware
Observe and reflect your market
Advertising around an event as emotionally charged as 9/11’s 10th anniversary is risky. While many companies played it safe, taking a somber approach, State Farm chose a different tone that steps past the sadness so easily associated with 9/11, reminding us of the promise in a new day.
Spike Lee’s approach to this message provides an example of number six in Ten Be’s of Better Branding: observing and reflecting the market. By infusing State Farm’s message with a positive voice, Lee captures the spirit of a city and a nation that emerged from the dust and smoke more connected to the values that make us who we are. In fact, our first glimpse of the Freedom Tower doesn’t come until 1:08 into the video. No commentary. No voice-over. We’re left to remember while being reminded of those who made the ultimate sacrifice as the innocent voices of children sing of a city that unites us all.
Never forgotten. Forever grateful.
The ad ran during the 9/11 documentary aired Sunday on CBS. It’s gripping television worth watching, but not appropriate for younger viewers.
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