John Gerzema, Chief Insights Officer for marketing giant Young & Rubicam, says there’s an upside to the recent financial crisis — the opportunity for positive change. His talk rings in the same key as Roy H. Williams’ swinging pendulum of societal evolution.
Same market, different stories
I recently met back-to-back with two clients. Client A, spoke of hanging on, weathering the storm, hoping the market will come back soon. Client B told me his business is up 20% in 2009–and increase over a record setting 2008. Similar categories. Same market. Different outcomes.
Client A is waiting out bad times, waiting for the market to come back, playing it careful. Client B says, “my competitors have cut back and are laying low. I’ve doubled my budgets because this presents an opportunity to go get their customers.”
It’s more than the spend, though. It’s HOW he’s speaking to them. His message speaks of value with a straight-forward presentation. He’s using widely available resources in a transparent way that’s building trust. His is a message of quiet confidence. He gets it–and customers can tell.
Dentists, vasectomies, guns and shark attacks are not obvious positive indicators–unless you’re listening for the sound of opportunity. The market today, more than ever, what you’re willing to make of it. Let’s talk about it.
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