Because effective ads perform a mission
Whether it’s focusing your strategy or refining you message, the advertising and marketing advice I share here is based on experiences solving client issues. In some cases, I’ll show you how to find answers in unexpected places, by “borrowing” tactics used large-scale advertisers.
My goal: help you create advertising that’s consistently on mission.
Ten BE’s of Better Branding
Billions of advertising dollars are wasted annually running advertising that lacks a clear mission. Over the past 23 years, I’ve observed and worked to marketĀ hundreds of companies. Without exception, the successful ones have a clear purpose. They work at BEing successful long before they achieve the result.
I’ve distilled the ten key distinctions these successful companies share. I call it The Ten BE’s of Better Branding. Visit here regularly to see examples of The Ten Be’s every week.
Thank you for visiting. I hope you’ll find what’s shared here useful.