Political advertising is the high wire: big stakes, short time. While the influence of traditional media is waning, the power of the political ad remains strong. What one word turned this election? What’s the one word you’re using to measure our new president’s performance? Where did you get that word?
As we count down to next week’s inaugration, let’s remember back over political ads that turned the tide. Regardless of how you voted, if you were out of diapers and watching TV, these ads will echo in your memory.
Starting with the best of the best. I’m sorry for the quality of it, but there is no one ad that so polarized an electorate as Johnson’s Daisy spot. A little girl counting daisy petals contrasted against a nuclear detonation. The operative question: Who’s finger do you want on the button?
Just wait and see how many times that finger-on-the-button reference pops up over the years.